PQ Program

Positive Intelligence Program

From Self-Sabotage to Mental Fitness in 6 Weeks

What would your life look like if you could recover from setbacks and disappointments immediately, and spend little time in anxiety, anger, regret, or blame? Rather than struggling with mere symptoms any longer, get down to the root causes of what is holding you back from getting the outcomes you truly desire.

You can learn to use negative emotions as a helpful alert, and then quickly shift to the positive region of the brain that has the calm clarity, objectivity, and creativity to handle a challenge most effectively. With significant impact on your peek performance, your relationships, and your happiness.

Take the free Saboteur Assessment to help you discover which of the nine Saboteurs is doing the greatest harm to you right now! 

STEP 1: Take your Saboteur Assessment STEP 2: Discuss your result and next steps

Did you know...?

Your Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ) is the percentage of time your mind is acting as your friend rather than as your enemy; In other words, it is the percentage of time your mind is serving you versus sabotaging you.

You can boost your PQ significantly with practice.

(Source: A 500k research study by Stanford Lecturer Shirzad Chamine)

What does the Program entail?

  • 6 weeks duration for measurable progress
  • Practice 3x daily for 3 minutes on the PQ App
  • Watch a weekly 1-hour video by Shirzad Chamine
  • Be part of a weekly call to reflect your progress with me - and up to 5 team members or friends for increased effectiveness!
  • After the program, use the App for free for one year or grow further

I'm a certified PQ Coach and love to support you! Reach out and apply for your seat.


Learn what my clients share about their unique journey to mental fitness... 

Your Mental Fitness Muscles: 

1. Saboteurs Interceptor Muscle

Your Saboteurs generate all your negative emotions, including stress, anxiety, self-doubt, anger, avoidance, procrastination, insensitivity or discontent. Mental fitness requires the ability to intercept and discredit the Saboteurs.

2. Sage Muscle

Your Sage is the one in you that handles challenges with a clear and calm mind, and positive emotions. It also has access to your 5 primary powers: 

Empathize, Explore, Innovate, Navigate, and Activate.       

For peak performance, you learn to boost all 5 powers and know when to use which power.     

3. Self-Command Muscle

You’re not in full command of your mind. If you were, you would choose to entirely silence the Saboteurs in your head.    

PQ Reps are innovative 10-second exercises which build up the crucial Self-Command muscle in the brain.

You learn to run your brain, rather than allow your Saboteur-hijacked brain to run you. 

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